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A member registered May 11, 2020

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this is so sad. i am five hours later than the previous latest person

(hint, 69 days ago)

removing the NSFW content loses the game its newgrounds charm

you're a roleplayer by definition, you are playing the role of a cursed emoji

there are better places to roleplay than the fnf forums!

(1 edit)

this one still has the shading

(1 edit)

not sure which blue you wanted, but here-

it says gullible on the ceiling

(1 edit)

my favourite has to be the tricky mod, solely because i am absolutely in love with the madness combat series

quick edit: ok, that's not the only reason- it's also very well made

yeah, i'm pretty sure that's being fixed next update

your children aren't gonna be scarred for life by a mildly nsfw game over screen, my guy- i hardly think it matters

but yeah, uh, there's quite a bit of non-family-friendly stuff in this game, like the SHIT rating girlfriend gives you whenever you hit a note badly
or mom's suggestive outfit, her first song satin panties, her last song MILF
...and the week 6 dialogue following the first song
and even some profanity in the opening titles-

i mean, if all you're concerned about is boyfriend's blue balls, there's a mod for that:

no, i don't think they're going to christian-ify the game, the demographic is more for long-time newgrounds fans

presumably later this month

this MAY actually be happening in the soon-to-be week 7 update